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tv   ABC 7 News at 4PM  ABC  July 15, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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taken from a gallery on the new york upper east side. investigators say they found seven pieces from hotels worth a half million dollars. and lugo has been seen in photos allegedly stealing $6,000 worth of wine from a wine shop. he's been held on $5 million bail. his attorney told the judge there have been murder cases that haven't had bail that high. >> i think the bail was set too high, and had the appearance of reacting to the media attention. >> he wanted it reduced by $2 million but the judge labeled what he did that he couldn't reduce bail because lugo poses a threat. >> there is public safety and it's not just fiscal -- physical violence of a person. it's safety. >> and you know, it's academic, because if he made bail here for $3 million there are charges that he faces in new york and new jersey as well.
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so he just would be shipped there and go on trial or, enter a plea there. he's due back in court on august 23. there is one addition now to the gallery. you can't see it now. if you walk inside there is now a security guard. >> good addition, boy think. >> his attorney made the claim his client is not really a thief, but he's ill. could you explain that? >> well, i think what he's saying is that these thefts only happened in 45 days to get around the first of june. he's saying he's not the kind of person who wants to resell these. he was having an art show at home. and maybe there are psychological issues that need to be dealt with here, i'm assuming there will be some sort of investigation into whatever his mind might have been at the time. >> don, thank you very much. don sanchez reporting life san
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jose police chief says he's taking steps to calm concerns within the city minority communities about his strategy to tackle gang violence. the chief is asking federal immigration agents to meet with selected leaders of groups opposed to the police department partnership with ice. police agreed last month and its generated a huge backlash from organizations concerned about how agents will operate in the community. >> though residents shared their fears and anger and pain, the chief continues to say the agents will remain in the city of san jose. >> chief moore promised ice agents will only go after gang members with violent histories. histories. ice says that the agency is this broadcast captioned in realtime by adrena ordubegian. to meet with citizens but it hasn't discussed plans yet. >> >> 22 laid off temperatures were laid off due to budget cuts and got their jobs back thanks to a grant by the
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federal emergency management agency. 49 firefighters had been let go. only 22 accepted the city offer to return. the other 27 had found other jobs. starting monday, the reinstated firefighters will be beginning a refresher course. vacancies will be filled in stages from other departments. >> and a woman hit by a bicyclist crossing a busy san francisco street is in surgery this afternoon, injured on the embarcadero. and it happened just after 8:30 and officials say the cyclists went through the intersection and hit a woman in her late 60s in the crosswalk. the woman suffered head trauma an investigation suggests she was crossing legally with the light. officials say he could face the same charges as the driver. >> and the driver that have uc san francisco shuttle involved in a fatal crash yesterday may have run a red light.
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the shuttle taking 16 people to work at san francisco general hospital, krol kol yiding with a big rig. witnesses tell police the driver, traveling east on oak street may have run a red light. and a 52-year-old psychiatrist and associate professor was thrown from a bus and killed. three other passengers and the shuttle driver suffered minor injuries. >> drivers are used to terrible gridlock in los angeles but are they ready for carmeggodon that. is what they're calling a closure of the 405. officials say they're ready and got out to make sure everybody is aware state wide. there are warning signs on 580 here in the bay area for drivers who may be heading down south. and we are live from l.a. now z everybody is expecting that this is going to be a huge mess down there. and you know we've been
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hearing about this for weeks and forget king kong. the threat is carmeggodon. when you shut down a freeway it does feel like the end of the world. >> if you live in l.a. you know what is coming. the famed 405, yes that 405 is filled with 500,000 cars on a weekend this, weekend it's anything but typical. for 53 hours a 10-mile stretch will be closed. why? to blow up the mulholland drive bridge, a step in widening the freeway. but alarming for those who can't reschedule plans. this couple is getting married. >> fofr -- for us not to have access to freeways is like the end of the world. >> drivers have been having dire warnings. >> the rap tour will begin by
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july 16th and by july 17th, life as we know it will have ended. >> even eric estraka is doing his part. >> plan head and avoid the area. or just stay home. >> of course, for the savvy commuter there is the app that gives you realtime updates about where you're at. people can let you know about hazards or police on the side of the road z that way, you can beat carmeggodon and not have it beat you. for every 10 minutes, contractors will be filed $12,000. that is $72,000 per hour. still, you might be better off taking this city officials advice. >> stay the hell away from the 405. >> tough love for stit of angels whose angels prefer their car as above all else.
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>> by the way, jet blue is offering a heck of a deal, $4 rides, but it didn't last long, it sold out within an hour. larry, back to you. >> i know you live in l.a.. what are you going to do? are you going to dare get into your car this weekend? >> larry, i'm going to be feeling the pain of carmeggodon. i have to get to l.a.x.. i'm not driving i'm going to buy magazines and catch up on celebrity gossip. >> i suggest you leave now. >> and another search for missing nursing student michelle lee failed to turn up anything new. family friends spent three hours combing a remote section. members of the polly clause foundation led the effort. her locked car was found later in a neighborhood near the kopt.
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- -- hospital. family members are refusing to give up hope there. is a $100,000 reward for information in this case. >> california legislatures are now considering two laws, sparked by the caylee anthony murder in florida one proposal makes it a felony for a parent to fail to report the death or disappearance of a child to law enforcement within 24 hours. there is a similar bill making it a crime not to report children 12 or younger within 48 hours, in just two days, caylee's mother will be released from jail. in orlando florida we have a look at what is sure to be a turbulent and emotionally charged weekend. >> the legal drama surrounding casey anthony continues on friday in a florida courtroom. the short hearing part of the civil suit filed by xenaida fernandez gonzales, ending with a judge announcing the
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case would be reassigned. anthony said in 2008 that a nanny by that name had kidnapped her daughter caylee. detectives found the baby-sitter didn't exist this, month a 25-year-old was acquitted of murder and manslaughter charges in the death. the jury did, however, find her guilty on four counts of lying to investigators. and taking into account time served anthony's release date was set for sunday, july 17th. where will anthony go? will she return to her parents home? during the trial, her attorneys accused her father, george, of raping casey and helping to cover up caylee's death. or, will she rely on her defense team? if she came to you and said... she wanted to come to your house would you allow her? >> yeah. i would. i surely would. >> anthony will need to keep her lawyer close, shes being sued for defamation.
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there, pro testers say anthony got away with murder. anthony's attorney, jose baez did come to prison yesterday as well as two of her civil attorneys. she may be released from prison this weekend but her legal problems are far from over. in orlando, i'm catherine calloway. >> another cool, drizzly july day. >> spencer christian with a look at the acht. you keep promising sunny, warm weerj it's sort of like getting on a turn around, you know? and so there is some wide spread low clouds again like gradual clearing after that. we'll have sunny skies inland in the afternoon hours
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tomorrow and clouds will linger at the ko. notice highs 58 at the coast to about 78, maybe up to about 80 into warmest locations and we'll probably gain a couple degrees inland until getting into early to mid week next week and there will be a more significant warm up. i'll have details later with the accu-weather forecast. >> and. >> how binge drinking affects young women differently than men. >> it's an old rule, follow money. >> she left a high pressure world of finance for a new career changing womens' lives in afghanistan. one thing she says other baby boomers must do if they want a new beginning. >> facebook change igniting a war between rihanna and lady gaga. >> checking friday commute no carmeggedon on the san mateo bridge. right side is the peninsula and things are moving slowly. coming back on the news at 4:00. @t[ male announcer ]@t@t@tx brace yourself for the big, bold taste
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of a subway® bbq pulled pork sub. tender, succulent slow-cooked pork with sweet and smoky barbecue sauce, all on freshly baked bread. subway. eat fresh®. a bill on governor jerry brown's desk would ban the sale of alcoholic beverage that's contain caffeine. this targets drink that's can contain up to five times the alcohol of regular beer. the author says a combination is a health hazard. >> we have people drinking and being prone to drive because they're not feeling affects of the alcohol that. can only add to, lead towards bigger tragedies here. >> and at least six other states passed similar bans on the caffeinated drinks. the california bill ask z not
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affect beverages like irish coffee. >> a study on teenagers revealed big differences in how male and female bodies react to binge drinking. researchers found the girls had more attention and memory problems than girls who did not binge drink. the same is not true for boys. researchers believe girls may be more vulnerable to the neurotoxic affect of alcoholic beverages during adolescence. >> many are looking for ways to use skills they'd cultivated in their careers. one woman is changing lives of thousands of others. what is next for boomers? it's vital to bring the same energy invested in the first career to career number two. >> this rug is called chains of hope. and it's one of the tribal pieces. >> connie's career change took her 7,000 miles away from wall
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street to central afghanistan to start a womans' rug weaving cooperative. >> i was ready to give back and ready to find a new activity. >> relying on a skill set she used to break through the glass ceiling at goldman sacks she's helping the women break out of the cycle of poverty. >> my passion is empowering women economically. it's the old rule, follow the money. >> not easy here. in shadows of the mountain where taliban move up ancient buddhas. i rarely saw a woman on the streets. >> intent to prove a new economic model. we can run and fund many social benefits. through this cycle of rug
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sales. >> sales is what she does best she spends time back in chicago. creating new retail outlets with designers ordering custom rugs. >> have you to one, make sure you realize how much time this is going to take. you don't have to think about it with as much passion you did as your former career. >> based on impact, the u.s. military is taking her to other parts of the country hoping she can replicate her operations as part of the mission to help afghans carve out a few you're in this difficult place. >> when i saw afghanistan, and saw the plight of women there, i knew that whatever i did would be an improvement. i just sort of jumped in the pond. >> for next tracks, and abc 7 news.
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>> you can see more of the reports at abc 7 under see it on tv. we'll link to you mike's next tracks facebook change. >> change is coming to our weather, but slowly in kremtally. and spencer christian is here. >> there is a temperature readings into upper 80s inland. 78 in antioch. and 76 in fairfield. and there is 59 here in san francisco. warming again is slow. turning cloudy again, tonight. cool to mild over the weekend. warmer days next week. and there is a clouds cling together coastline again, today and there is a is so patterns today is like we've
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had last several days and tonight there will be little change from previous nights this week. low temperatures into mid-50s. and lots of low clouds having spread inland overnight. water vapor shows this one area moving away from us. there is where we're just not going to see much of a warm up until lows shift inland. tomorrow, looking for sunny skies into afternoon hours .s and there is san jose, 74. and on the peninsula, to low 70s over the remainder of the peninsula. and tomorrow, downtown san francisco there is a high of 62. 59 degrees into sunset district. north bay highs milder. 75 in sonoma. and 78 calistoga. 83 up in yu kaia.
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and not wide range there. low to mid-70s in the inland east bay. near monterey bay, upper 60s to about 70 near the bay. here is the accu-weather forecast. most of the warming occurs next week. low 80s inland sunday, mid-80s monday and tuesday. up to about 90 towards the end of the week, inland. we'll reach that normal mid-july range of high autos we hope its within range. >> yes. >> and just have to wait a few day autos right. >> reality tv reunited sharon osbourne with one of her prized possessions. >> it's a rihanna gaga war on facebook. here son the red >> the top story in hollywood today is a transfer of power on facebook. well, rihanna fans do love her, she's ousted lady gaga as the
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reigning queen, she checked in with over 40 million likes. once news broke, lady gaga fans, she calls her little monsters began tweeting to unlike rihanna. sounds like a social networking war has just begun. eva longoria is saying goodbye to her las vegas nightclub. the eve club was losing an astounding $76,000 a month. after filing for bankruptcy, the club officially closed doors. the restaurant will remain open. and sharon osbourne singing a happy tune after being reunited with her 10-carat diamond ring worth over $3 million n 2004, the ring was stolen but with the help of crime watch, she is once again wearing her sparkler. for more celebrity and entertainment news head over to >> next at 4:00 new look for
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one of san francisco's prized pieces of public art kicking off a citywide makeover. >> and real life angry bird targeting pedestrians. >> and later at 5:00 michael finney has free stuff. a deal where you can make money by rending out some of your own goods.
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one of san francisco's
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prized public art works has gone under a face lift. it was commissioned by the city's historic 1969 art in richmond ordinance. after 40 years, it's kind of starting to show age a bit. arts commission raised 35,000ses today remove graffiti and apply a protective coating. >> in the last presidential election, $160 million was collected in california for the campaigns of the two presidential candidates. they spent in, california about $30,000. >> more pieces will get the same treatment and enacted the art care program to restore the 4,000 public sculptures through private donation autos this is a case of life imitating art. an angry bird is going on the against pedestrians, swooping
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down, tapping on heads of passers by in downtown grand rapids. and outside of the, locals say this happens every year. >> do you ever watch that cartoon show called "heckle and jekel"? the two crows play prick triks on people. these two birds are attacking the ladies. >> and a black bird spent a few weeks until the nest was vacant. >> always entertaining unless you're the one. >> and ahead in the second half hour, a moving memorial from the man they never knew. >> and california is just a signature away from getting in on a plan to change the way presidents are elected. >> sunny skies have attracted people to the beach. not very warm there yet.
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about 65 degrees. when will it warm up here around the bay area? i'll have the accu-weather forecast coming up. zpzzzzzzzzzzz
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the highest honor for a total stranger, edward o tool received a memorial today. >> world got out the world war ii soldier had no family or friends to attend the funeral veteran groups took action. he died fighting in germany in 1944, missing in action until last year. now sh he's home for good. >> reporter: a hefty mist over the somber service. private edward owe tool came home 66 years after being killed in world war ii. he was identified through his dog tags and dental records. the newspaper said he had no surviving family members. and that struck a chord with pat. >> i read it in the paper. and i thought, there is no way i'm going to let him be buried
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with no one here. >> she called her other friends like maggie. >> pat mentioned it at lunch i said i want to go. >> in fact she wore a navy necklace her dad gave her mom at the end of world war ii. >> i felt appropriate to be here. >> and friends called friends, veterans called vets and 60 people showed up, all strangers. today, they were o tool's family. spireo is a veteran two of wars. >> i feel close to him. almost like family. >> almost like family, yes. >> the crowd noticed that the flag was given to this man, barry turned out to be his disstant relative who happened to read the obituary. >> jolted me this, was a mystery remains of where eddie was goes back to when i was 14 years old. >> he never met o tool but had a purple heart which his family inherited. then, an 88-year-old peter
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davidson showed up. an army medic at the battle where o tool lost his life. >> it's a battle he was killed at? >> yes. and i'm positive it was. >> was it a tough, tough battle? >> it was. was it ever. >> we honor those souls that slipped away. >> welcome home, private o tool. company d, 333 regiment, 84th infan tri. >> and we have more on this issue. >> and they appear to be more of the recoveries lately. >> there are. now, i've covered three of the services this year, and the manager of the golden gate national cemetery says o tool is the first to be returned from world war i nismt recent memory. >> are they, it's been successful with this? >> you know it depends. first there have to be a recovery of the remains, then, after that, of course, they have been identified and there is this joint p.o.w.,
4:33 pm, accounting command. and there is a very sophisticated lab and there is 560 m.i.a.s. >> he was identified, let me just say a lot of what happened has ld ht lth to do with this rapid identification process. >> right. they can help put a lot of people back. >> right. >> maybe some day there won't be a need for a statue of the unknown soldier. >> right. right. thank you very much. >> and u.s. air force pilot from the bay area and two other air men received top honors from france. and seen here in the front row was the among the three who received a french national defense gold medal with branz
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star. the u.s. airmen came to the rescue of a french helicopter pilot in afghanistan when their copter crashed in bad weather. >> and president obama is turning up the heat, but there is no deal on raising the nation's debt limit. take a look and there is a risk for a shut down in 17 days and about four and a half hours if there is not a deal. and there is a dwindling number of option autos right. the president's plan, a scaled-down version of the plan, and the republican proposal to let off the hook. the president reiterated hopes. >> i'm still pushing for us to achieve a big deal. >> the big deal the president wants is $4 trillion in cuts to entitlement programs and ending tax cuts for the wealthy. and if that fails lchz.
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>> let's still be ambitious and get a down payment on deficit reduction. >> the lesser deal, roughly $1.5 trillion in cuts, no movement on entitlements or taxes. so far, house republicans won't deal. >> this has been clear. there can be no tax hikes because they destroy job autos option three remains on the table. that is the senator's plan. so congress can vote against it a bunch of times. and his news conference did not rule that out. >> it's constructive to say if washington operates as usual and can't get anything done, let's avert armageddon. >> republicans plan to put their own plan forward next week. today, nancy pelosi dismissed
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it as outrageous. >> i remind you it was a week ago we're hopeful that this could happen in a bipartisan way. >> the president says on tax increases, he has the country behind him and a majority of republican voters favor a mix of spending cuts skpin creased taxes on the wealthy. and coming up at 6:00 we'll check that with the chair of the california republican party and our political analyst. >> mark, thank you very much. a bill to change how california voters passed the state legislature this week signed by governor brown. he will give all of the 55 electoral votes to the winner of the nationwide popular votes. supporters say would it make the golden state relevant in presidential elections instead of being a cash cow for candidates coming through. >> last presidential election, $160 million collected in
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california for campaigns of the two candidates. they spent in california about $30,000. in advertising. >> and the president cannot be chosen by a nationwide popular votes n 2000, george w. bush won the presidency dispute losing the popular vote to al gore. >> and still ahead this afternoon... more on rupert murdock's meeting with the family of a murdered teenager. >> we're freaking out. >> and a runway collision that made a lot of people late. >> it's slow going right now and there is lots of traffic heavy towards the bay bridge. let's check in now for a travel forecast. >> air traffic moving along nice lie.
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-- nicely. there are two and a half hour delays because of low clouds and low visibility. you can see there are green lights just about everywhere else. and there are minor delays at new york's la guardia airport. and will weather change over the weekend? the forecast coming up in just a moment.
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the publisher of the wall
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street journal resigned today in the wake of the british phone hacking company. the "wall street journal" has not been implicated by the paper's chief has now decided to step down. those papers have been accused of tacking into phones of thousands of people. the current chief of the papers rebecca brooks resigned today. murdock afollow pol jized to the family of a murdered school girl whose phone was hakd by the tabloid news of the world. >> i was apalled to find out what happened. >> i apologize. >> the scandal is knocked billions off the value of his news corps and torpeedoed plans to take over a major british tv network. >> frightening moments for passengers. two planes collided at logan airport. investigators say the planes bumped before take off.
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the left wing of the delta clipped the tail section of a smaller delta commuter plane. passengers evacuated from both planes. >> some people were freaking out. the girl next to me was crying and another guy was trying to jump out of the emergency exit. >> the faa and national transportation safety board are both looking into this incident. >> coming up, the surprise bid for bay area-based clorox from one of its own shareholder autos and local students pitching in to weed out plants that could stop an endangered butterfly from thriving. >> the plot to keep potter mania going long after the last film vanishes, potter!
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free access to chase atm's wherever you are. that's a step forward. chase customers can avoid atm fees with over 16,000 nationwide. take a step forward and chase what matters. forgis shot right now from emeryville. there is alcatras. beyond that, golden gate bridge. but you can't see it because of clouds there. spencer will have the forecast ahead. clorox's biggest share holder making an unusual take overoffer, making a $12.6 billion bid for the company encouraging others to top his offer. this includes offering to pay 76.50s ndz cash, suggesting proktor and gamble and other
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rivals might be ready. clorox, making bleach products, brita filters and other goods says the board will review this offer in due course. >> and perhaps you're in line at midnight for final harry potter film. and it's down to potter prafts going poof? that in a modest stock surge on wall street. >> the market moving higher and positive earnings reports caused several stocks to surge and the ongoing debate is raising concerns for investors. the dow, s and p and nasdaq managing to post gains, harry potter opening to quite a crowd. and for warner brothers, this is to keep that cash coming in. now, the series has come to an end. wall street judicial journal says it's looking to expand theme parks around the world. and the journal says warner brothers is planning to convert the set in london into
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a museum-style attraction just in time for the summer olympics in 2012. at new york stock exchange, with the bloomberg after the bell report. >> and they have skills and edge. still ahead, favoring u.s. womens' world cup team. >> do they make a difference? you've asked that question if you've ever been disappointed by a stain remover. a product test reveals stain removers that are worth your money. >> and later on, this weekend's foreclosure options, your chance own a home at prices rarely seen here.
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shout it out. shout says it's the number one stain remover for your laundry. >> which one is the best at getting out those stains.
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>> marketing and branding might not be the best way to pick your stain remover. you'll want to know which is the best. your favorite tee shirt has been stained. >> kathy's trip lets love to play outdoors but she's not crazy about the stains they get on their clothes. >> food. dirt. grass. you name it they're into it. >> so find out whether laundry pretreatments can make a difference, krorts test aid dozen, including big-name brands. >> all of them supposed to be applied to the stain and left for several minutes before washing. >> they took swatches of the fabric soaked with the tough to remove stains, coffee, blood, wine, and coco. they applied the same amount of each cleaner, let it sit five minutes then washed with detergent and a full load. >> we washed the stained fabric with detergent but
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without pretreating. >> testers analyzed swatch was a color meter to determine how much of the stain was removed. >> results say it's amazing it wasn't. it didn't do a great job. >> and shout advanced stain lifter didn't do much better, none of the stain treatments did a great job at removing coco. >> still, most of the treatments did do better than just using detergent alone. >> in the end it was resolve laundry stain remover in the spray bottle. and gits to have on hand with kids who can make a mess. and another stain remover which did almost as well in tests is shout advanced action. and unlike resolve it can be applied up to a week before you do your laund rism not sure why you'd want to do that. >> if you delay laundry. you want to get the stain out
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right away. >> advanced action. >> okay. >> thank you. >> and speaking of shouting it out. >> spencer is here with the forecast. >> and there is cool to mild weather this weekend. and warmer days ahead next week. this afternoon, this shows clouds still stacked up along the coastline. some moved locally and most of the inland areas do see sunny skies this afternoon z there mild seasons, -- conditions, low temperatures between 52 and 56 degrees foremost of the bay area, here is a satellite image of what's happening to give you an idea of why this is taking so long to occur. there is another one settling into the north. lows dig in, blocking out a
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chance for any major ridge of high pressure to build in. it's what we need to warm us up. and until that happens l will be little ups and downs. and there is antioch warming up tomorrow, 75 the high tomorrow. and there is 86 in santa rosa. and around the bay, mainly 60s and up to 72. farther south, monterey way, highs 65 in monterey. mild. 70 in santa cruz. inland 78 in morgan hill. and there is weekend that is giving us promise. next week we can expect a true warm up. >> thank you. >> and hundreds of young people pitched in to help the environment today. >> the pro jeblgt is part of the great outdoors initiative.
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and more than 200 kids took part in the project including these students. this helps for the endangered mission blue butter supply fli they're out here doing something to save the endangered species and learn btd eco system. and why this is important to take care of every living thing in our eco system. >> students removed litter and pulled weeds and worked on the nursery. >> it's been more than a decade since american women won a world cup soccer title. >> everybody remembers brandy chastain. there is a team with a lot of stars and an edge. here is lindsay davis. >> i have to admit i've caught the fever. >> fans of all ages ready to cheer the red, white and blue
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on sunday. u.s. womens' soccer team outlasting briz braz yil before beating france on wednesday to advance to finlz. and andy womback helped americans win by doing what she does best. >> it's as if time stops. you're just trying to read the trajectory of the ball. >> with one more goal, she'll become the all time womens' world cup sorer. >> she's always had that in her, she'd had the will and drive to be-to-win skpb successful. it shows. >> and now the only thing standing between them and a title is japan. they meet beet the mighty germans but stats give americans a massive edge, they've never lost to japan in 25 games, winning 22 and
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outscoring by 77 goals to 13. one thing both teams share is heart. >> first few seconds of any match is exciting. the crowd is rumbling. >> and another squad has taken an easy task to the finals. >> lindsay davis abc news. >> and the world cup finals match is coming up on sunday. and japan is very good. and they're a great team, japan. >> japan has done a great job of beating germany on german soil. it's not easy. >> should be a terrific match. >> thanks for joining us for abc 7 news at 4:00. >> and news at 5:00 continues
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right now with dan and cheryl. >> closing in on caylee's law. a push to make sure california parents aren't allowed to do the same thing the mother of a missing florida toddler did. >> and big deals you can get this weekend on bay area homes. >> and a traffic jam like no other what. some drivers could be facing this weechblg weechblgd -- weekend. good evening, i'm cheryl jennings. >> i'm dan ashley. state lawmakers rushing tonight to introduce a second bill making it a felony to fail to report a missing child, or death of a child in a timely manner. >> this is prompted by the death of 2-year-old daily anthony. and she wasn't reported missing for 31 days and her mother was acquitted of the death.
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more than two dozen states are considering casey's law. people who watched the trial are demanding it and don't feel that justice was served. california is the latest state to jump on the caylee's law band wagon making it a crime to not report a child dead or missing within 24-48 hours, it could be a felony. the case of casey anthony stunned most people when discovering the florida mom can d.not report her 2-year-old's disappearance for 31 days and that he was waz not a crime. >> the first 48 hours of a child's disappearance are critical in dermg if that child will be found alive. >> when a jury acquitted casey, outrage spurred an online petition, urging state governments to enact casey's law, so far, 1.2 million penal signed it


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